Tempo Farm

Home of des Ruhigestelle Saanens**

Saanens  Alpines  LaManchas

Lauren Acton and John Wright   9915 S. Wildcat Rd, Molalla, OR 97038   503-781-7898


Updated with new pictures and records!


Current breedings and reservations

Download Breeding and Price List, Terms and Conditions

Please read- information on buying and preordering goats, as well as herd policies.


Download Semen Sales List


Download Saanen Herd List

Download LaMancha Herd List

Download Alpine Herd List



Download Herd History

Download Lest We Forget , the goats who made us what we are.


Total Performance Scores:  How we evaluate our animals.


Yellow Pad Articles: “Stories from a Scribbler”


Puppis: 1978 National Show

Fern Acton Memorial

2008 National Show - the trip!

2020 Labor Day Wildfires


**      After 50 years, it’s time for a new look.  In April 2013, ADGA informed me that

I could no longer use the ‘des Ruhigestelle’ herdname.  As a historic herdname, it cannot be transferred from Fern, even to me.  After exploring legal options, we found that it would not be allowed to continue as a living legacy to Fern.  So, the decision was made to simply move forward.  The Saanens will continue as Tempo Passa, taken from Fern’s family motto, meaning ‘time passes.’  All else will remain the same, as the Saanens previously had been under my management for the last 25 years.  So, the same breeding program and quality goals will continue, just under the Tempo name.


HELLO AND WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE-  It’s pretty plain, just simple pdf files.  We don’t have links or buttons.  Quite frankly, I’d rather spend my time upgrading our genetics and facilities than upgrading our technology.  We have been breeding dairy goats for over 50 years, and our goals are fairly simple- breed the soundest, highest production dairy goats, with the most reliable consistency we can produce, all the while keeping them healthy, happy, and well cared for.  So, while the goats are ‘modern’ dairy type, this isn’t a 'modern' website so much as just lists of our breeding herds (and some other fun stuff too!).  Instead of buttons and links and pictures of babies, here you'll find lots of real records and as much information as will fit on a page.  To view our herd lists, click on the ‘download herd list’ at top.  Be sure to also download the Breeding and Price list, with our terms and conditions. 


Contact info-

I am MUCH easier to contact by email, text or messenger than any other method.  I hate talking on the phone!  Our email is- myname (at) herdname (dot) com  (Change myname to lauren and herdname to ruhigestelle. Automatic e-mail address sniffers and hackers are getting more sophisticated these days!)


I try to answer emails or texts/messenger within a day or two unless I am on the road.  Please remember this site is about our goats and not a place to ask veterinary questions.  If you must call, please remember that I am NOT a morning person, so PLEASE DO NOT CALL BEFORE 10:00 AM!!  I am frequently not around a phone during ‘normal’ calling hours, and do most of my correspondence at night.  Thus, it may take me several days to answer a phone call.  Sorry, I do not carry a cell phone at home.  I usually check messages after morning chores and again late at night.


2024 news-

            Update 7/26/24- I am writing this while still trying to recover from the trip to the National show.  Seventeen days on the road is exhausting, no matter how awesome the trip was. 


            We started this year with perhaps the worst kidding season we have ever had.  We lost several important and favorite does, which left me in a state of emotional and physical exhaustion as we entered show season.  Add in the shutdown of Portland Creamery and changing milk market, and things weren’t looking too rosy.  My first response was keeping the herd size down as much as I could.  Keeping the herd size down meant over and over having to sell down deeper into our main herd.  Does we would normally have never considered selling were leaving.  That added depression to exhaustion and left me wondering how long this was going to go on. I was again reminded of my mother and what she went through during the Great Depression.  Her grit was an example to me, and we forged on.  With less goats in the herd, I also took smaller entries to most shows.  The upside was that gave me the time to simply enjoy the shows and camaraderie.  The younger Saanens worked hard, and we finished Eroica, Solo, Etoile, and Emara.  CeCe earned her championship, and also made it clear that hauling was not her thing, so she stayed home from Nationals.  Grommet came through kidding season sound and healthy, and finished at her second show.  Somewhere in there I changed my mind from not going to Nationals, to thinking it would be a good trip.  I feel that depth of quality of our herd is exemplified by the fact that none of these six were chosen to be on the National show string.


Then came Nationals.  The placings speak for themselves, while the story of the trip will have to wait for another update.  As I type, John is prepping for another hiking trip, so in order to get this update done, I’ll have to stop for now.  Please enjoy the new records and photos in the Saanen and Alpine herd lists.  The prices are updated as well, but I haven’t managed to think about breeding season, much less plan matings yet.  That will have to wait another month or two.


Update 10/6/24-  We are grateful to hear good news from many of our friends affected by Hurricane Helene.  Having survived a natural disaster of much less magnitude, it is difficult right now to think of much else besides what is happening there. 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  As a survivor, I implore all women to have their mammograms done on a regular basis.  It saved my life.


We are heavily into breeding season now, as well as prepping for our upcoming LA session on 10/13.  We hope to leave for convention following the LA.  I’ve updated our breeding plans.  We are doing a lot of AI this year.  For us that means just doing the best we can without it being a big deal.  Last year we had very good results with synced does, this year not so much.  So the plans are tentative and include backup sires as we work through the season.  I have also updated the herd lists with new records and photos where appropriate.  With a sketchy and changing milk market, we have sold well over half of our mature does this year.  For now, we are pretty much a show herd that sells milk.  My breeding and management focus hasn’t changed, and we are not leaving out the possibility of developing a new product.  We do have a great group of young does coming up as replacements.


OUR MISSION- I had an interesting discussion with Stephen Considine about Saanen history nearly 30 years ago.  He made a comment that has stayed with me, as it really sums up my experience in breeding goats.  He noted that we have been breeding the same type of dairy goat for years, regardless of showring styles.  The only difference is now that is what the industry wants too.   And it's true that we have been breeding for the same sound and productive type of doe, only now it is called a 'modern' type.   We are trying to produce does that are long boned and dairy, and are true total performers.  You won’t find mature show goats giving ‘a gallon a day’, or ‘2 gallon’ milkers with poor udders in our pens.  Nor will you find obese goats, frail goats, or goats with severe structural faults.  What you will find are sound, strong, highly productive does that milk well wherever they are, and rarely get stressed.  We are an artisan Grade A dairy, so our goats make their own living by producing milk, and we take pride in producing genetic foundations for other commercial dairies, as we feel they should be the backbone of our industry.  Our does are not pampered, even the best are treated as commercial goats.  Pasture is an important part of our management, so our goats must be able to walk several hours a day.  While we have our favorites, nobody gets special treatment, or special feed.  (Okay, nobody under twelve years old!)  Some of our more well known does have traveled over 3,000 miles nearly every year of their lives, and continue to produce over 3,000 lbs of milk. 


We have slightly changed our focus on production as we continue in the dairy industry.  We are now looking for solid, consistent production rather than extreme lactations.  For us, a doe that can repeatedly milk 3,400-4,000 lbs, has a flat lactation curve, and is willing to milk extended lactations is more valuable than a single 5,000 lb record or a 20 lb high day followed by 6 lbs at 270 days.  Also, since we are a cheese dairy, components and milk quality are very important to us.  So, we now look for does that can effortlessly produce 20,000 lbs in 6-7 years of production, and maintain good components and a low SCC while doing that.  The great thing about breeding dairy goats is there is always something new to look for!


Most important, we simply enjoy our goats.  I strongly believe in “coffee management”- that is simply taking the time to just watch the goats do goat things.  If everyone took the length of time it takes to drink a cup of coffee (or tea, or wine, or whatever…) doing nothing but watching their goats every day, my work as a veterinarian would diminish greatly!!   While we love our goats and their achievements, we do have other interests, and especially enjoy the wonderful outdoor recreation of the Pacific Northwest.  Whether it is an afternoon spent hiking to waterfalls, cross country skiing, or simply enjoying an evening fire on our deck, we try to keep the goats and work in perspective and remember to enjoy the time we have together.  While having a dairy means that we can no longer dry off in the winter, we do still work to keep December and January as free of goat activities as possible, choosing instead to spend the time with each other.  We value the freedom and freshness the time away gives us.  Having, and trusting, our wonderful employees gives us the ability to continue to spend some time apart from the goats. 


We enjoy visitors, but ask that you call ahead to make sure we home.  Please do not wear clothing or shoes that have been in other barns, including your own, and our guardian dogs request that you do not bring other pets.  The coffee is always on, in fact I think I’ll take a cup out to the barn right now…  


Lauren & John